Reference management

I have been working through my references and papers trying to regain some control over the literature. Being reintroduced to the tedium of reference management, it seems like there must be a better way to catalogue and organize this important component of research. Ideally, with the Internet and some good citation support from publishers, I would never have to type a citation – just automagically download whatever I need. Obviously this is not currently available.

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Seed set of dichogamous plants

Description: These data are the average seed set estimates for dichogamous and adichogamous Chamerion angustifolium at different inflorescence sizes. Format: maternalID: Identification code for the maternal plant (i.e., grandmother of the counted seeds). individualID: Identification code of the plant. array#: The array identification number. dichogamyType: Indicates if the plant was dichogamous. flowerPosition: Flowers were sampled from either the bottom or top of the inflorescence. inflorescenceSize: The number of open flowers on each plant in the array.

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Ecology Division Seminar Series, University of Calgary

Routley, M.B. The evolutionary significance of being one gender at a time. Ecology Division Seminar Series, University of Calgary Download https://matt.routleynet.org/uploads/2020/97fb2da280.pdf

Siring success of dichogamous plants

Description: These data are the average siring-success estimates for dichogamous and adichogamous Chamerion angustifolium. Siring success is estimated from the proportion of heterozygous progeny produced at the PGI locus. Dichogamy classes were homozygous for alternate PGI alleles, so that heterozygous progeny represent interclass pollen transfer. Format: Array: The array identification number. DichogamyType: The dichogamy status of the plants in the array. FlowerSize: The number of open flowers on each plant in the array.

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Pollen deposition after single bee visits in the field

Description: These data are pollen counts from stigmas after single bee visits in populations of Chamerion angustifolium from Montana. Pollen was quantified with a Beckman-Coulter Multisizer 3 particle counter. Format: Ploidy: The cytotype of sampled plant, either tetraploid or diploid. AntherPresence: Some flowers had their anthers removed with forceps. Others were left intact. PollenCount: The estimated amount of pollen deposited on the stigma. Citation: PhD thesis MRoutleyThesis.pdf Download: MontanaPollenDeposition.txt

Pollen removal after single bee visits in the field

These data are pollen counts from anthers before and after single bee visits in populations of Chamerion angustifolium from Montana. Pollen was quantified with a Beckman-Coulter Multisizer 3 particle counter. Format: Population: The population sampled, either tetraploid or diploid. Sample: An identification code representing the plant and flower sampled. StigmaPresence: Some flowers had their stigma and style removed with forceps. Others were left intact. Visitation: Whether the anther was sampled before or after a single bee visit.

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Floral Integration

Unrelated to my β€œofficial” thesis work, I have been thinking about floral form and its influence on plant fitness. As an excuse to start a discussion with anyone interested, I’ve posted this overview of what I hope to work on next. Plant mating systems control the transmission of genes between generations and, therefore, are a fundamental characteristic of populations. Since flowers are the reproductive organs of plants, floral form fundamentally influences plant mating systems.

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