My longest bike ride yet: 105 km. Tough, but fun. Good to have a strong crew pulling me along 🚴

Great Vance Joy show that featured a rainbow after a short rainstorm 🎢

Although a small thing in the context of the WWDC announcements, I like the upcoming changes to the Workout app in WatchOS πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

A big thank you to my race crew for their support at today’s triathlon.

First time using the new bike rack.

Bike on an SUV roof

I think this is everything!

Finished reading: I really enjoyed The Rook by Daniel O’Malley. A fun mix of espionage and supernatural with a good sense of humour πŸ“š

Day 19: Breakfast indulgence: scrambled eggs, bacon, avocado, and cheese πŸ“·

Day 18: No longer random puzzle pieces πŸ“·

Completed puzzle of a dog park illustration

Day 17: Hold πŸ“·

A woman holding a newborn

Unwanted house guests

Day 15: Prairie clouds πŸ“·

Blue sky with clouds

Day 12: Tranquility πŸ“·

Calm lake with sunset

Day 11: Maroon sign of spring πŸ“·

Purple iris flower emerging from the undergrowth

Day 10: For several years, we’ve participated in a fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer Canada that sells pots of purple pansies πŸ“·

A pot containing several purple flowered pansies

Day 9: Magnolia blooms are imminent πŸ“·

Magnolia tree with a dozen flower buds just starting to open

Finished reading: Although surprisingly little actually happens with the plot in Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers, the characters and world building are great. Along with fascinating questions about what it means to be human and how to value traditionπŸ“š

Day 8: Toronto Union Station πŸ“·

North side of Union Station train station with the CN Tower in the background

First outdoor ride on the new bike. Great to be out of the basement, though I swallow fewer midges on Zwift πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ

Day 7: We appreciate and enjoy our provincial parks πŸ“·