Finished reading: Faith, Hope and Carnage by Nick Cave by SeΓ‘n O’Hagan is a remarkable conversation about creativity, grief, and religionπŸ“š

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ The Mystery of the Shrinking Pool

There’s an odd glitch with my Apple Watch: anytime I finish a swim interval, it claims there are still two meters left. Then after about five seconds, it realizes I’ve stopped, decides I’ve finished a lap after all, and moves to the next interval. It isn’t the pool, I’ve tried several different ones. Even stranger, it isn’t accumulating by lap. If I finish a 25m sprint: two meters short. A 500m interval: also two meters short.

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Dispatch from the Front Line: “Canada” is a question of what we can get

The ability of a population to withstand neighbourly aggression β€” “economic force,” if you will β€” depends on two things. The first is internal social cohesion and identity. The second is what the aggressor is willing to do or offer in order to secure capitulation.

The first is so important, yet so intangible and fickle

🎧 Nice to have Strombo back on Apple Music radio. The show has been a regular companion for my long basement rides and was missed over the past few months

πŸ“š Although I exceeded my goal of reading 45 books in 2024 by finishing 60 books. I’m going to keep my goal for 2025 at 45, anticipating that I’ll be reading more non-fiction this year which will slow me down – for the better.

If you’re interested in owning your own web content (and you should be), the new is a fantastic option at a super affordable $1/month. I joined back in 2018 and am a very happy Premium user.

The people should own the town square

Nice to see this:

we are going to transfer ownership of key Mastodon ecosystem and platform components (including name and copyrights, among other assets) to a new non-profit organization, affirming the intent that Mastodon should not be owned or controlled by a single individual.

Mastodon continues to be our best, decentralized option and I’m glad it exists

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈπŸš΄πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Finding the return to fitness sweet spot with RTT

Thanks to a pre-Christmas flu and general busyness over the holidays, my triathlon training took a dive. This past week, I’ve really tried to get back into it. As a result, my watch and phone have been pointing out that my training load has spiked and are suggesting caution. At the same time, my readiness to train has been correspondingly increasing. I’ve been using this increase, plus generally feeling good, to keep the training intensity at the right level without overdoing it.

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🎧 Reducing β€œabundance blindness” by deleting my Apple Music library

I lamented recently what a mess my Apple Music library had become. I was tempted to delete the whole thing and start again, only to end up doing nothing. What’s the big deal? It’s just a collection of songs. I search through them, find something I like, and hit play. Then Jason Burk said in Episode 128 of Hemispheric Views: I just, I find that I have this, like, abundance blindness where I have an infinite number of songs.

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Finished reading: The Infernal Machine is another great book by Steven Johnson. I enjoy how he integrates seemingly small technological changes with broad historical trends. Always interesting to read πŸ“š

πŸ₯ΆπŸŠβ€β™‚️ Shortest and coldest swim of the year

Two people in winter clothing stand on a beach, with an open water swim summary overlay showing a distance of 102 meters.

George wishes everyone a happy new year! And, requests more liver treats

A golden retriever is wearing a headband with colorful Christmas lights.

🎢 Top albums of 2024

According to my listening history, my top three albums of 2024 were: I’m a bit surprised that Nonkeen snuck in there at #3. It is rather different from the other two.

πŸ“š Year in books for 2024

2024 was another great year for books. My favourite fiction book was Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Non-fiction was As Gods by Matthew Cobb.Β 

Finished reading: Translation State by Ann Leckie is another great book in the Imperial Radch series. I’ve enjoyed each oneπŸ“š

Highlights of 2024

As 2024 comes to a close, a few personal highlights: Welcoming George to our family Our family trip to Portugal A recuperative cottage rental in Haliburton Completing the Ironman 70.3 in Muskoka I’m so grateful for these opportunities and memories.

Finished reading: I enjoyed the satirical futility of The Posthumous Memoirs of BrΓ‘s Cubas by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis πŸ“š

πŸŽ„My family knows me well!

A collection of books and a bottle of Cragganmore whisky are arranged around a bag of Waterbridge Mini Allsorts candies.

🐢 George meets snow

Finished reading: A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab is a fun second book of a great series. I’m looking forward to the next oneπŸ“š