JSTOR import script

I’ve written a script that imports a JSTOR citation page into BibDesk. To use the script, I suggest adding it to your script menu. Then, with the JSTOR citation page as the active web page in Safari, run the script and the citation will be added to the active BibDesk file. I use the first author’s last name and last two digits of the year as a cite key (e.g. Darwin59), you may want to change this to suit your style.

The script is written in perl and bracketed by two Applescript commands: one to extract the html source from the JSTOR page and the other to add the citation to BibDesk. Unfortunately, JSTOR citation pages contain almost no semantic markup, so I am not convinced that the approach is entirely robust. However, so far it has worked well for me and might be useful to you. Any feedback is welcome.

Download the script. JSTORImport.pl.txt

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