Recent Replies

@mjkaul such a vivid and disturbing character

@agilelisa good to know! I have it on my “to read” list and will move it up the rankings

@cory oh, looks good! Midnight in Chernobyl is great and I hadn't seen this Challenger book before

@gregmoore amazing!

@Parag a fun idea! Well done. Bikes really are great

@brettkosinski congrats! Looks epic and fun. All for a great cause too

@patrickrhone oh no! That's tough. Brutus looks like a great companion

@AndyNicolaides you’re in for a treat!

@ericmwalk thanks! At least the swim part is short and you get it over with at the beginning

@camiel thanks! Amazing what you can do with steady, incremental training and good support

@ericmwalk race is on Sunday! Thanks

@ericmwalk thanks! Muskoka Ironman 70.3 on Sunday. Should be a fun challenge

@renevanbelzen fascinating! Thanks for sharing

@UndamnedOne for sure! Makes the 5am wake ups almost acceptable

@renevanbelzen nice. So satisfying to have a long history of activities analyzed. Are you finding Runalyze helpful?

@habibcham great to be able to include proper rest days in our training plans. These are important

@ericmwalk yikes!

@petebrown Yeah, I would really like to be excited, but past experience makes me wary

@Miraz thanks for including Lucy! She’s feeling neglected 😀

@ericmwalk @amerpie @jarrod thanks! Despite steady rain throughout, the race went well and I had fun

@ericmwalk nice! Those donuts must have helped

@paultibbetts nice. Congrats!

@jthingelstad Nice experiment. I’m tempted to try it

@renevanbelzen there is a timeless quality to parts of Porto

@Bruff this is a fun annotated accompaniment to Apple’s list. Seems like our tastes are pretty aligned