Investing in the MacSparky Productivity Field Guide ✅

There is absolutely no shortage of productivity methods and content out there, especially in the “influencer” racket. I’m quite sure that there is no one true way to be productive. In fact, I think there’s some merit to switching up my approach on occasion, just to reinvigorate my interest.

To that end, I’ve really appreciated the MacSparky Productivity Field Guide. I find the roles based approach suits me really well, as I try to juggle multiple parts of my life, while the intentionality it creates helps with prioritizing and staying engaged. This isn’t about any particular tasks app or zettelkasten setup. Rather, the emphasis is on the why and making tough choices about where to focus attention.

There aren’t many “quick wins” here. In following along, I had to think carefully, document my intentions, and track all of my commitments over a few weeks. All well worth doing and now paying off. As with so many things, upfront investments payoff in the long run.
