RStats on iPad

Among the many good new features in iPadOS, “Desktop Safari” has proven to be surprisingly helpful for my analytical workflows.

RStudio Cloud is a great service that provides a feature-complete version of RStudio in a web browser. In previous versions of Safari on iPad, RStudio Cloud was close to unusable, since the keyboard shortcuts didn’t work and they’re essential for using RStudio. In iPadOS, all of the shortcuts work as expected and RStudio Cloud is completely functional.

Although most of my analytical work will still be on my desktop, having RStudio on my iPad adds a very convenient option. RStudio Cloud also allows you to setup a project with an environment that persists across any device. So, now I can do most of my work at home, then fix a few issues at work, and refine at a coffee shop. Three different devices all using the exact same RStudio project.

A screenshot of RStudio Cloud on the iPad

One complexity with an RStudio Cloud setup is GitHub access. The usual approach of putting your git credentials in an .REnviron file (or equivalent) is a bad idea on a web service like RStudio Cloud. So, you need to type your git credentials into the console. To avoid having to do this very frequently, follow this advice and type this into the console:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 3600'
